The Ultimate Guide: What NOT to Put Down Your Garbage Disposal

The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, bustling with activity and culinary creations. Central to keeping this heart healthy is the care of one of its vital organs: the garbage disposal. Essential for modern kitchens, garbage disposals offer convenience and efficiency by disposing of food waste quickly. However, not all waste is created equal, and certain items can wreak havoc on this appliance. Understanding what not to put down your garbage disposal is crucial for maintaining its longevity and ensuring it continues to serve your kitchen without issue. This guide will unveil the mysteries of garbage disposal care, highlighting the items that should never find their way into this indispensable kitchen tool.

Items to Avoid Putting Down Your Garbage Disposal

A key aspect of garbage disposal care involves knowing what not to dispose of through this device. Here are several items to keep out of your garbage disposal:

Grease and Oils

While liquid at room temperature, grease, and oils solidify inside plumbing, causing clogs and damaging the disposal's mechanics.

Coffee Grounds

Though they seem harmless, coffee grounds can accumulate and create a dense, sludgy obstruction.


The myth that eggshells sharpen disposal blades is just that—a myth. Instead, they can stick to the sides and trap other debris.

Fibrous Vegetables

Celery, corn husks, and other fibrous materials can wrap around the disposal's blades and motor, causing jams.

Pasta and Rice

These expand with water, even after cooking, potentially clogging the drain.

Bones and Hard Foods

These can blunt the blades, reducing efficiency, or worse, cause the disposal to jam.

Non-Food Items

Plastic, metal, or any non-biodegradable materials can damage the disposal unit.

Reasons for Avoiding Certain Items in Your Garbage Disposal

Understanding why certain items are detrimental to your garbage disposal is key to ensuring its longevity and functionality. Here are the reasons behind the advisories:

Grease and Oils

When grease and oils solidify, they create a sticky residue that attracts and holds onto other food particles. This not only causes clogs but can also lead to unpleasant odors and potentially costly repairs.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds tend to settle at the bottom of disposal units and drains. Over time, they can compact into a thick paste that impedes water flow and is difficult to remove without professional help.


Contrary to popular belief, eggshells do not help clean or sharpen disposal blades. The membrane layers can wrap around the shredder ring, causing efficiency issues and odors as they decay.

Fibrous Vegetables

The fibers from these vegetables can tangle and twist around the disposal's blades, leading to motor burnout and the need for a reset or, in worse cases, a total replacement.

Pasta and Rice

These foods expand when wet and can continue to do so even after being chopped up by the disposal, leading to blockages that prevent water from flowing freely.

Bones and Hard Foods

These materials are simply too hard for most disposals to handle, potentially leading to jamming or even damaging the blades and internal components.

Non-Food Items

Disposal units are designed for biodegradable kitchen waste only. Introducing plastic, metal, or other non-biodegradables can result in damage to the blades or motor, leading to failure.

Alternative Disposal Methods for Unsuitable Items

For items unsuitable for garbage disposal, consider these alternative disposal methods to manage waste responsibly:


Organic materials like coffee grounds, eggshells, and vegetable scraps are perfect for composting. This not only diverts waste from landfills but also enriches soil for gardening.


Properly dispose of grease and oils by cooling them and placing them in a sealed container before throwing them in the trash. Some communities offer recycling programs for fats, oils, and grease. For more detailed strategies on managing these substances and preventing kitchen drain clogs, refer to our informative blog post, "Preventing Kitchen Drain Clogs: A Guide to Managing Fat, Oil, and Grease". This guide offers practical tips and insights on keeping your drains clear and functioning properly.

Trash Disposal

Non-compostable and non-recyclable items should be placed directly in the trash. Ensure they are bagged properly to prevent leaks and odors.

Common Mistakes When Using Your Garbage Disposal

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure your garbage disposal operates efficiently:


Introduce waste gradually instead of stuffing large amounts at once to prevent jams.

Lack of Water

Always run cold water during and after disposal to help flush down waste and prevent overheating.

Ignoring Maintenance

Regular cleaning with safe, natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar can prevent odor buildup and maintain efficiency.

Forcing Non-Disposables

Attempting to grind non-disposable items can lead to damage and costly repairs.

Tips for Maintaining Your Garbage Disposal

Proper maintenance is crucial for extending the life of your garbage disposal. Follow these tips:

Regular Cleaning

Use ice cubes to sharpen the blades and remove accumulated grease. Follow with citrus peels to freshen up. For a detailed step-by-step cleaning process, check out our blog post, "A Comprehensive Guide on How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal". This guide provides thorough instructions and additional tips to keep your disposal in top condition.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Chemical drain cleaners can damage the disposal's internal parts. Opt for natural alternatives whenever possible.

Routine Checks

Regularly inspect for leaks or signs of wear and address promptly to avoid more significant issues.

Professional Maintenance

Consider an annual check-up by a professional to ensure all parts are functioning correctly and to address any potential issues early.

By being mindful of what you put down your garbage disposal and adhering to proper maintenance practices, you can ensure its longevity and reliability. Remember, this kitchen appliance is a workhorse designed to make your life easier, but it requires care and respect to perform its best. Embrace these guidelines for garbage disposal care, and enjoy a hassle-free kitchen experience.

Are you ready to safeguard your garbage disposal from unnecessary wear and tear? Learn what items to steer clear of to keep your kitchen plumbing problem-free. For expert drain cleaning services and additional maintenance guidance, visit our Drain Cleaning page. Need personalized advice or assistance? Don’t hesitate to contact us today. Let’s ensure your disposal stays in top condition for years to come.

Oasis Plumbing in North Miami


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